
Monday, 23 August 2021



763 times seen

FGD Inventory of Data Achievement of Water Water Drinking Water Sector Services and Washing Region 1 (Balikpapan, Penajam Paser Utara and Paser)

Thursday 19 August 2021.FGD Inventory of Data Achievement Sector Drinking Water Water Sector Waste and Solid Waste 1 (Balikpapan, Penajam Paser Utara and Paser)

Bappeda East Kalimantan through the infrastructure field attended the implementation of the FGD inventory of the Data Achievement Data from the Sector of Water Sector, Wastewater and Suttime Region I (Balikpapan, Penajam Paser Utara and Paser). The implementation of the FGD was also attended by several other relevant agencies in the Province of East Kalimantan and Regency/City related to the Organization Bureau, Development Administration Bureau, Infrastructure Bureau, DPMPemdes, PUPR Pera Office, Environmental Service, East Kalimantan Provincial Health Office; Perumda City Balikpapan, Paser Regency and PPU; Bappelitbang, DLH and Balikpapan City Health Office, Paser Regency, and PPU.

A number of explanations were delivered by the consultant for the implementation of the Calculation of Drinking Water Sector Services, Wastewater and Waste Sector I Balikpapan, PPU and Paser. Calculation of the achievement of drinking water sector services, wastewater and waste in region I that has been carried out at this time still uses temporary data available and a number of updating will be made on these calculations if data has been updated and obtained during the implementation of this FGD. This is due to the basic data collection system of the three sectors that still have differences in perception, there is no baseline for mutually agreed data, the absence of a platform that forms the basis of the right strategy in the efficiency of handling the three sectors.

Bappeda East Kalimantan recommends regarding the implementation of the calculation so that the data used as a referral needs to use data that has been updated because some of the data displayed as baseline data still use data that has not been up to date.