
Wednesday, 23 June 2021



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FGD Implementation of Spatial Utilization Program in the Spring Spring Program in the island of Kalimantan

Samarinda, June 16, 2021, 09.00 WITA . Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province was represented by the infrastructure in attending the FGD activities for the implementation of the spatial use program in the synchronization of the spatial use program on the island of Kalimantan held at the Aston Samarinda Hotel. This meeting was attended by 35 participants (offline) and 27 participants (online).

The speakers presented at this event include the Directorate of Spatial Planning and Disaster Management of the Ministry of National Development/Bappenas, Anang Budi Gunawan; Head of Spatial Planning Division of the East Kalimantan Province Public Works Office, Ahmad Muzakkir represented the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Public Works Office; and Directorate General of Bina Bangda Ministry of Home Affairs, Director of Synchronization of Government Affairs I, Nita Sociawati.

synchronization of planning becomes a necessity in the context of decentralization, in order to harmonize and build synergy between programs and activities at the national and regional levels. Synchronization between long -term, medium, and annual planning needs to be carried out in order to maintain the consistency of programs and activities to achieve the vision of development and on the other hand increase the relevance and adaptation of programs/activities with environmental dynamics. Communication between parties becomes the key and ownership needs to be built so that agreements in planning forums can be implemented effectively. Major Project of East Kalimantan Province which is the focus is the construction of the Capital City (IKN), the development of Green Fuel -based Green Fuel, the construction of B3 waste treatment facilities, and the construction and development of oil refineries.

In accordance with Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2016 concerning RTRW of East Kalimantan Province in 2016-2036, mentioning the purpose of East Kalimantan spatial planning, namely "Creating provincial space that supports the growth of the green economy that is just and agro-industry-based and environmentally friendly energy". Five spatial planning policies in East Kalimantan include 1. Development of the productive economic sector of oil and gas and coal which is highly added with environmental and environmentally friendly; 2. Development of renewable leading sectors such as: agriculture, tourism sectors; 3. The realization of space that synergizes with green economic growth; 4. The realization of equitable development of development and services for the entire community and energy; 5. The realization of sustainable development by maintaining harmonization of economic, investment, social activities by considering the carrying capacity and sustainability of the environment and supporting political aspects, and defense and security.

The problem of the realization of spatial use in East Kalimantan is related to overlapping authority in the realization of spatial use; harmonization of spatial plans with development plans; The formulation of the development plan program is not yet fully based on spatial; sectoral ego, and difficulty in determining the scale of development priorities.

To achieve the synchronization of the East Kalimantan Province spatial use program, cross-sectoral (central and regional) coordination is needed; Synchronization, priority determination, perception, agreement and commitment are needed; Encouraging the creation of a similarity in perspective in preparing programs related to the provision of basic infrastructure in regional development in prioritized areas according to the direction of the spatial plan of the focal spatial planning to be encouraged by its development; and oversee the substance of the RTR to be accommodated in RKP.

In the implementation of the Draft Regional Regulation on RPJPD and RPJMD, synchronization and harmonization were carried out with RTRWN, RPJPN, RPJMN, Provincial/Regency/City RTRW, Provincial/Regency/City RPJPD, and Provincial RPJMD. (Permendagri 86/2017). The challenge that occurs is that the regional RTR has not been fully used as a reference in the implementation of development by the department (sector) in the regions. The obstacle that occurs is the location of the activity contained in the doctrine in general has not been specifically stated in accordance with the RTRW/RDTR. The preparation of development planning documents must be guided by the spatial plan through the synchronization of the spatial use program into the Regional Development Plan Document.

(Humasbappeda/Dawn) .