Basic Design Enrichment FGD National Core KIPP-IKN
Samarinda, 10 June 2021, 09.30 WITA. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Enrichment of Basic Design of the KIPP-IKN National Axis which was held virtually. This event was also attended by the Ministry of National Development Planning, PUPR, Directorate General of Water Resources, Directorate General of Highways, Directorate General of Housing and Directorate General of Human Settlements, East Kalimantan Provincial Tourism Service, East Kalimantan Provincial Environmental Service, East Kalimantan Provincial Education Service, Indonesian Urban Design Experts Association , Indonesian Landscape Architects Association, Indonesian Architectural Association, Planning Experts Association as well as from universities (ITB, UI and Unmul).
Informants who took part in this activity included the Chairman of the Paser Traditional Institute/cultural expert, Musa; Archaeologist Anthropologist/cultural expert, Mitu M. Prie; and Sociology Expert and Human Ecology Researcher from LIPI, D. Herry Yogaswara, M.Sc.
Several things to note from the presentation of material by resource persons who attended this activity include:
- Get to know Paser Culture and Society. Explaining the historical civilization of Paser, before there was a kingdom, Paser inhabited southeastern Kalimantan. It spreads from the Balikpapan area to Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. There are 12 subtribes in Paser Regency. Has slightly different characters and language.
- Authentically, Paser was first written in the Book of Negara Kertagama by Empu Prapanca in 1365 as Pasir because of Majapahit's conquest. Various versions of the name Paser emerged from maps in the past. However, Paser residents spell it with Pa "bright" and "swish of enthusiasm" combined to make a blazing spirit. Paser residents consider the environment to be their source of life. Paser residents still rely on the forest and the environment to earn a living, hunt, fish, etc.
- The Paser community of traditional buildings has different motifs and architecture from the Dayak. Paser now has 3 cultural elements, namely the original Paser culture, Muslim and Malay culture, and Royal/Sultanate culture.
- Explaining the Cross Cultural Map of East Kalimantan. From time to time through an extraordinary journey of civilization. The islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan are quite impressive from ancient times. Culturally, the position of Kalimantan in the Megalithic Period is at the top and is included in the world. However, the public does not know much about this. Beliefs, Humans and Geomorphological Nature (Pre-History - Austronesian Migration) Megalithic 2500 BC - 3 AD, Assimilation Acculturation, Penetration, Diffusion (Classical - Hindu Buddhism, Islam, Europe) 4-19 AD, Bhineka Nusantara (Modern).
- Socio-Ecology of Local Communities Around (Prospective) IKN. The research carried out is large research. IPSK LIPI is conducting research within the framework of the National Research Priority "Inclusive Economic Development and Maritime Development" specifically related to inclusive natural resource management, one of which is in East Kalimantan, with a focus on PPU and Kukar Regencies. Research focuses on Forest Ecosystems, Coastal Ecosystems and Built-Up Area Ecosystems (rural-urban interactions). Data collection with several sources, namely residents, regents, staff, village and village traditional leaders. The local Paser community itself supports and there are also those who reject the existence of IKN. The group that refuses is worried about the rampant buying and selling of land, the future generation/young people with the new culture and the loss of jobs in the nursery and weeding sector in the area. The rejection was due to the very limited information about IKN there.
- Some of the strategic issues that must be addressed are as follows: Certainty of local community land rights in areas that will be affected by IKN, Mitigating the impact of loss of livelihoods due to IKN development by providing alternative livelihoods involving local communities. Openness of information about IKN activities, especially about the zoning of areas that will be carried out and the stages of IKN development. Providing counter information to various news reports via social media or mainstream media.
- Residents hope that a traditional school can be established so that the younger generation can know and carry out the values of their ancestors and be ready to face change by continuing to practice the values they have but still having inclusive values. As well as the existence of an institution that is able to accommodate problems and provide a quick solution to the pre-development situation of IKN and in the development process, including mitigating the possibility of loss of livelihood.