
Thursday, 08 September 2022



893 times seen

FGD of the Regional Infrastructure Development Plan for East Kalimantan Province

Having a decent, safe, and providing sense of comfort for its citizens is one of the target plans for the Condition of East Kalimantan Infrastructure in 2045.


This was revealed by the Head of the Infrastructure and Entrepreneurship Division of Saur Parsaoran T, S.Pi, Memd when he was a resource person in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Development Plan for the Regional Infrastructure of East Kalimantan Province.


In addition to a decent area, it describes the planned target of the East Kalimantan infrastructure conditions in 2045 referring to the Key Performance Indicator IKN 2045 including 75% of the area of ​​agricultural area of ​​412,096 ha (based on RTRWP documents) into functional fields of technical Functional Function.


Furthermore, it is planned that a regional scale domestic domestic waste management system is planned and the achievement of 70% safe sanitation; 70% of the population has access to recreational green space; 100% Replacement of Green Space for Each Institutional, Commercial, and Residential Storage Buildings; 100% Public Space is designed to use the principles of universal access, local wisdom, and inclusive design; Provision of public transportation and support for active mobility, especially in PKN; and good access to important facilities and public transportation nodes.

#baped mutiled

##Planning for the Development of Infrastructure for the Year 2045