
Tuesday, 10 January 2023



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FGD Formulation of the Funding Framework for the East Kalimantan Provincial RPD Design in 2024 - 2026

Monday (09/01/2023). Mr. Plt. Head of Bappeda, Secretary, Head of Head, Functional Planning Bappeda Prov. Kaltim together with the Head of BPKAD Prov. Kaltim and Bapenda Prov. East Kalimantan implemented the FGD Formulation of the Funding Framework for the East Kalimantan Province RPD Draft in 2024-2026 which was held in the Propeda Meeting Room, Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan


with regard to the preparation of regional development plan documents (RPD) in 2024-2026 which must be compiled by the province of East Kalimantan as an area whose term of office will end in 2023, based on data owned and a number of input from this FGD participant, it is concluded that Input in the preparation of Chapter VII - Funding Framework and Regional Apparatus Program.


The follow-up to be carried out next, namely Bapenda will submit a revision/correction regarding the projection of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) no later than January 13, 2023. Then BPKAD will submit a revision/correction regarding the projection of transfer income (especially calculation of regular regular, dBH Sawit and FCPF environmental funds) SILPA and CAPITAL INCLUDING) no later than January 13, 2023. Meanwhile, for Bankeu to be allocated to districts/cities will still be directed to the achievement of priority programs.


