Saturday, 25 February 2023
Finalization of Cascading Discussion on the Performance of Regional Government Affairs Supporting Programs
Samarinda, (24/02/2023). Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan together with the Provincial Organization and Inspectorate Bureau. East Kalimantan finalized the Cascading Program to Support Regional Government Affairs in the Propeda meeting room
This meeting was chaired by the Secretary of the Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan, Mr. Saur Parsaoan, attended by all planners and Mrs. Nita Yiswara as resource person.
This meeting aims to agree on the level of performance of activities in the 2024-2026 Regional Apparatus Strategic Plan.
The Head of the PPEPD division, Mr. Alfino, explained that considering that the Regional Apparatus Strategic Plan must be established in March, the level of performance of activities in the Regional Apparatus Strategic Plan must immediately be agreed, whether the level of activity performance becomes an appropriate output Permendagri or Immediate according to Permenpan.
Apart from that, this meeting also aims to finalize cascading and uniformity of performance indicators.
#kaltim bureauorganization
#cascadingprogram supporting regional government affairs
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