
Wednesday, 02 November 2022



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Focus Group Discussion and Submission of Picking Test Results of the Assessment of the Preparation of RAD in East Kalimantan Province

Friday, 10/28/2022 in the field of government and human development Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the Focus Group Discussion Agenda and Submission of Picking Test Results of the Assessment of the Preparation of RAD (Regional Action Plan) PD (Persons with Disabilities) Prov. East Kalimantan which is a series of field visits Assistant for the preparation of RAD PD Prov. East Kalimantan in order to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities as regulated in Law No. 8 of 206 concerning Persons with Disabilities.


FGD and submission of the results of the results of the assessment of the preparation of RAD in Prov. Kaltim was held at Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan and through the Zoom Meeting. The agenda was opened by the Head. Government and Human Development of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim - Hj. Nani Nuraini, St. MT represents the Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan. Attended by Bappenas; Kemendikbudristek; Ministry of PUPR; Ministry of Transportation; Chairperson of the National Commission for Disability; Provincial Government. Kaltim; Presidential Staff Office; Organization with Disability/ NGO/ LKS/ Development Partner


The FGD presents 3 (three) resource persons namely Bappenas; Kemendikbudristek and Kemenkumham. In multicectoral regional apparatus the need to encourage the preparation of guidelines for fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities in various sectors, such as employment, accessibility of public services, infrastructure, etc. As well as encouraging collaboration between sectors (offices, organizations with disabilities, Balai/Satker/UPTD) so as not to be limited in social affairs. Whereas in OPDIS/ NGO activities, it is necessary to encourage a sustainable financing scheme both in the outreach and data collection and service operations; Encourage training and assistance to sustainable multi-sectoral development programs and coordination between OPDIS are encouraged to work with local governments.


In addition, from the field visit, several agencies have understood the new paradigm of PD, so as to put PD as a group that needs to be empowered is not pitied. As planned and sensitive disability in accordance with the Minister of Home Affairs No. 050-3708 and Permendagri 90/2019 are the basis for the initiative to prepare policies targeting PD.

#baped mutiled

#preparation of regional planning

#people with disabilities
