
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



83045 kali dilihat

Focus on Kalimantan Industry and Tourism

Jakarta-Pre-Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang 2016 . Plt. Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si chaired the technical meeting 8.a_plt._ka_bappeda_kaltim_meminpin_group_keja_focus_industri_-_pariwisata_pra_musrenbang_regional_kaliThe 2016 Kalimantan Regional Development Planning Conference discussed joint proposals from Governors throughout Kalimantan regarding strategic programs and activities for Kalimantan in 2017 with the agenda of the Industrial Working Group Focus and Tourism in the Grand Sahid Hotel meeting room Jaya, Jakarta, Thursday 10/3/2016.

In accordance with the joint agreement in the 2016 Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang, the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda became the coordinator of the Program and Activity proposal sector with Governors throughout Kalimantan in 2017 on the agenda of focusing on discussion of Industry and Tourism by producing agreement on the number of proposed programs/activities in 2017 of 80 programs/activities through funding from the APBN amounting to Rp. 19.127 Trillion.

Proposed financing through ABPN in 2017 is IDR. 19,127 consisting of a focus on Industrial and Tourism Programs/Activities including 27 proposed Industrial sector programs/activities and a total proposed financing of IDR. 18.475 Trillion. Meanwhile, programs/activities focus on the Tourism sector with a total of 53 programs/activities and proposed funding of IDR. 653 Billion.

Focus of Proposed INDUSTRY Programs/Activities in 2017

Results of the 2017 Kalimantan Regional Agreement Focus on proposed programs and activities in the Industrial sector with a total of 27 programs/activities and a total proposal of IDR. 18.475 Trillion including:
1. East Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus is the development of KEK MBTK, KIK and KIB (basic infrastructure in the area and policy determination as a priority industrial area with a total of 14 programs/activities and a total proposal of IDR 1.094 Trillion;
2. Kalimantan Province Middle with a description of the focus is the development of industrial areas and sectoral downstream programs in Batanjung and Sigintung Bay with the number of programs/activities being 1 and the proposed amount being IDR 5 Billion;9._partner_group_industri_-_pariwisata
3. West Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus being the Development of Industrial Areas in Tayan, Mandor, Semparuk, Ketapang, - Downstreaming of primary products in Sanggau, Ketapang, Pontianak, Landak, - PDR development in Mempawah with a total of 5 programs/activities and a total proposal of Rp. 17.061 Trillion;
4. South Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus is Development of industrial areas in Batulicin and Jorong, - Development of PDR regional logistics distribution facilities with a total of 3 programs/activities and a proposal amount of Rp. 45 Billion;
5. North Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus is the Development of KEK KIPI Tanah Kuning Bulungan, Development of Local Economy Development in the interior and borders with a total of 4 programs/activities and a proposed amount of Rp. 270 Billion.

Focus of Proposed TOURISM Programs/Activities in 2017

Results of the 2017 Kalimantan Regional Agreement Focus on proposed programs and activities in the TOURISM sector with a total of 53 programs/activities and a total proposal of IDR. 653 Billion including:
1. East Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus on infrastructure development, providing tourist destination facilities, potential development studies and providing human resources for tourism development in the Derawan Islands and its surroundings with a total of 8 programs/activities and proposed financing of IDR. 50 Billion;
2. Central Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus on developing tourism areas in Tangkiling Hill, Sebangau and Tanjung Putting, - Development and marketing of tourist attractions with a total of 8 programs/activities and proposed financing of IDR. 39.50 Billion;
3. West Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus on developing tourism destinations in Kapuas Hulu, Bengkayang, Sanggau, Sambas, Pontianak, Singkawang, Entikong, Badau and Aruk, - Development of creative culture of border communities in Sarawak and North Kayong with a total of 26 programs/activities and proposals financing of Rp. 87.65 Billion;
4. South Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus on the development and development of tourism areas in Meratus, Floating Market, Angsana Beach, Samber Gelap and Tamiang Bay, Laksado, - Provision of tourism infrastructure with 7 programs/activities and proposed financing of IDR. 126 Billion;
5. North Kalimantan Province with a description of the focus on developing tourist attractions in Batu Lumanpu, - Development of tourist areas, sapras and botanical gardens with a total of 4 programs/activities and a total proposed financing of IDR. 350 Billion.

Proposed Kalimantan Regional Priority Programs/Activities for 2017 with a focus on the work of Industrial and Tourism sector groups with proposed financing through the 2017 APBN of IDR. amounting to Rp. 19.127 Trillion. (Public Relations of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos.