
Wednesday, 02 November 2022



657 times seen

Bakohumas Forum in 2022 in East Kalimantan

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through Plt. The Head of Subdivision of the General Subdivision of Coordinating Agency (Bakohumas) 2022 in East Kalimantan organized by Diskominfo East Kalimantan, Tuesday (01/11/2022).


Bakohumas Forum which was opened by the Assistant for Bureaucratic Reform, Mr Didik represented the Secretary of Prov. East Kalimantan held at the Aston Samarinda Hotel was attended by 107 participants consisting of elements of East Kalimantan Forkopimda and Public Relations from all regional apparatuses and BUMD/BUMN and vertical crossing in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.


In this Bakohumas forum, Mr Didik said that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government welcomed the Bakohumas Forum and hoped that all parties could support and contribute to the development of the IKN in accordance with their respective main duties and functions, especially public relations as information for information.


further conveyed, it is important for training related to journalism so as to improve the quality of public relations human resources in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.


present 3 speakers in the forum who delivered exposure to increase the role of public relations in welcoming the presence of IKN and the future of East Kalimantan HR, including:

1. Korem Commander (Danrem) 091/Aji Surya Natakesuma (Brigadier General Dendi Suryadi, S.H., M.H.)

2. Head of Disnakertrans Prov. Kaltim (Mr. Rojani)

3. East Kalimantan figure (Mr. Rizal Efendi)

Through the implementation of this Bakohumas Forum, it is expected that public relations human resources can increase information service cooperation and develop the potential of public relations human resources in publishing information related to government widely.

#baped mutiled



