Poverty Thematic Data Forum 2023
Balikpapan, (06/06/2023). Bappeda Prov. Kaltim held a thematic poverty data forum with the Central Kalimantan Statistics Agency and the Provincial Communication and Information Office. East Kalimantan is located at the Swiss-Bell Hotel Balikpapan.
This activity was officially opened by the Regional Secretary Prov. East Kalimantan Mrs. Sri Wahyuni and attended by elements of the Provincial BPS as the Trustees, Diskominfo Prov. Kaltim as Walidata, 15 Provincial Regional Apparatuses Related to Poverty as Supporting Walidata, Regional Apparatus as Data Producer, Bappeda/Diskominfo/BPS Regency/City, and Tgup3.
Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando said the data forum was one of the stages in the process of implementing one data. And the purpose of the implementation of this data forum is in the context of synchronizing and consolidating data, which on this occasion is focused on data relating to support for poverty alleviation efforts in East Kalimantan. ; /> -
"I hope through this data forum all of us all of us can support the realization of one East Kalimantan data and a special concern for all regional apparatuses and vertical agencies which are data producers in the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan "he said
#baped mutiled ; /> #bpskaltim2023
#Planning for the Development ofKaltim2023
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