
Friday, 17 February 2023



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Public Consultation Forum Draft Regional Development Plan (RPD) of East Kalimantan Province in 2024 - 2026

The East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held a Public Consultation Forum for the Regional Development Plan (RPD) in 2024-2026 at the Novotel Hotel Balikpapan, Thursday (02/16/2023).


The implementation of the Public Consultation Forum is divided into several event sessions, namely the opening in the form of remarks and direction from the East Kalimantan Governor delivered by the Secretary of the Regional Secretary of the Regional Secretary, then continued with the material session of the Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs/Bappenas, RPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2024-2026 and continued with discussion sessions, questions and answers, submission of suggestions, proposals, and input from the forum participants.


Next Plt. Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Yusliando delivered a report on the implementation of activities in the activity attended by around 200 participants who attended the place and around 100 participants present online consisting of elements of the central government (elements of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bappenas, and the Authority Agency for the Capital City of the Archipelago), Forkopimda, East Kalimantan DPRD, Pemprov. East Kalimantan, Vertical Agency, Bappeda/Bappelitbang Regency/City, TGUP3 East Kalimantan, Academics, Representatives of Community Leaders, BUMD, Professional Association, Development Partners, Business Organizations and Community, as well as other elements such as the East Kalimantan Province RPD compilation team in 2024-2026 and the RPJMD Evaluator Team of East Kalimantan Province.


"This activity was held as the mandate of the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 52 of 2022 concerning the Preparation of Regional Development Planning Documents for the Region with the term of regional head ended in 2023 and the new autonomy, where the Province of East Kalimantan was one of the mandated to compile the RPD of East Kalimantan Province 3 years starting in 2024-2026 which will be carried out by the Acting Governor of East Kalimantan in 2024-2025 ", Mr. Yusliando said.


further conveyed, this public consultation forum is a substance that must be traversed in the preparation of the East Kalimantan Province RPD which aims to obtain suggestions and input from all elements of regional development interests whose results will be input in the process of refining the RPD design of the RPD of the RPD of RPD in East Kalimantan.


On this occasion, the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Mrs. Dra. Sri Wahyuni, MPP opened and delivered a speech and direction from the Governor of East Kalimantan at the East Kalimantan Province RPD Public Consultation Forum in 2024-2026. In his remarks and direction, it was said that the achievement of macro development indicators was good as in the achievement of the rate of economic growth, HDI, unemployment, and economic inequality. However, East Kalimantan still needs to evaluate and pay attention to the condition of poverty in East Kalimantan. East Kalimantan has the highest level of poverty compared to the provinces of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. East Kalimantan in 2022 has a poverty rate of 6.44%. In connection with that the Governor of East Kalimantan stressed that programs related to economic access to the poor and inflation control are top priorities. In addition, regional development targets that have been set until 2023 must be ensured to be achieved, especially related to the promise of the Governor and Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan as stipulated in the 2019-2023 RPJMD. If it has not been achieved, it is necessary to be outlined in the focus of the RPD in 2024-2026.


Meanwhile, some of the delivery of several speakers who attended the forum event included Deputy Green Transformation and Digital Authority IKN, Mr. Ali Berawi conveyed the work plan of the IKN Authority with the Provincial Government. Kaltim; Director of PEIPD Directorate General of Bina Bangda Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. Iwan Kurniawan conveyed the synchronization of policies between centers and regions based on development objectives for increasing and equalizing community income, improvement and equitable employment opportunities, improvement and equitable fields of business, improvement and equitable access and quality of public services, as well as improving and equalizing regional competitiveness; Deputy for Regional Development of the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas (Kalimantan Coordinator II), Mr. Anang Budi Gunawan conveyed the strategic issue and direction of the East Kalimantan regional development policy in 2024-2026 which was associated with the synergy of IKN development policies and encourage development based on Knowledge Base.


regarding the substance of the RPD draft that has been compiled this time, it was conveyed that several problems of the development of East Kalimantan include related to uneven education access, health facilities in the 3T region, the regional economy still relies on the extractive sector, lack of maintenance of water and land quality, low energy mix and renewable, and not optimal public service quality, and not optimal public service quality, and not optimal public service quality, and not optimal public service quality, and not optimal public service quality, and not optimal public service quality. As for regional strategic issues in 2024-2026 including increasing human resource competitiveness, acceleration of inclusive economic transformation and economic growth, increasing accessibility and connectivity of infrastructure, improving environmental quality, and increasing professional and accountable governance.


Some development themes compiled, among others in 2024 are increasing the competitiveness of human resources and reliable regional infrastructure for sustainable economic development and maintaining political and security stability; In 2025 is the optimization of economic diversification supported by improving the quality of human resources and competitive regional infrastructure; And in 2026 was the strengthening of regional capacity as an IKN partner.


Furthermore, the discussion session was a discussion regarding the response to the formulation of strategic issues and development problems that needed to be resolved until 2026; Responses to the formulation of regional development goals and objectives, along with the indicators of performance targets in 2024-2026; view of development opportunities and challenges in 2024-2026; as well as responses to the formulation of regional development themes and priorities, as well as indications of priority programs compiled in 2024-2026.


The implementation of the Public Consultation Forum was closed with the signing of the Minutes signed by all stakeholders present. All materials for the RPD Public Consultation Forum can be downloaded on the Bappeda Prov. Kaltim gather-paparan/p2epd



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