
Saturday, 12 March 2022



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Regional Apparatus Forum for Animal Husbandry and Animal Health in 2022

Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM became a guest speaker at the activities of the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Office forum for 2022 which was held online and luring on Thursday, 10/03/2022.

This activity was officially opened by the Acting Regional Secretary Mr. Riza Indra Riady and was attended by all regional devices related to the development of livestock, academics, and the private sector, and the Prof. Ibrahim from Tgup3.

This activity is carried out with the aim of aligning the Regional Apparatus Activity Program at the Provincial Level with the Proposed Activity Program Results from the Regency/City Musrenbang to improve the Provincial Regional Apparatus Renja document (Disnakeswan Prov. East Kalimantan).

In general, Prof. Aswin in his presentation conveyed the stages of the procedures for the preparation of RKPD, the achievements of macro indicators, regional financial frameworks and the construction conditions of the East Kalimantan Animal Husbandry Sub -Sector in 2021.

Prof. Aswin explained that the development of the agricultural sector in the broad sense in East Kalimantan is still dominated by the plantation sub-sector with superior commodities in the form of oil palm, with a GRDP contribution of 54.80% in 2019.

Furthermore, he explained that some of the problems with animal husbandry development were still weak animal food production from livestock, in 2013 East Kalimantan lack of cattle population, while the annual needs of beef cattle per year reached 60 thousand in an average weight

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