
Friday, 17 February 2023



2873 times seen

The results of the regional governance index

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Field of Empowerment and Human Development Attended the dissemination of the results of the trial and utilization of the Regional Government Governance Index (ITKPD) which was carried out online by the Ministry of Home Affairs Strategy (BKSDN) and attended by the elements of Bappeda (02/15/2023).


In the opening remarks of the activities of the Head of BKSDN Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. Dr. Yusharto Huntoyungo, M.Pd. It was conveyed that the dissemination carried out was aimed at informing the results of the ITKPD measurement test in 2022 and captured the input of ITKPD instruments in the point of view of local governments throughout Indonesia.


further said that the results of this ITKPD are expected to be followed up and implemented by all stakeholders to be a benchmark for achieving the performance of the local government.


related to the results of trials and use of ITKPD as conveyed by Mr. Sigit Murwito from the Partnership Team, ITKPD was developed to measure the performance of regional government comprehensively as input in the preparation of development planning both (RPJMN) at the center and in the region (RPJMD).


In terms of the use of ITKPD results by local governments, its use is to formulate policies and see the performance of the performance of regional development and basis in preparing regional development planning.


The ITKPD trial results in 34 provinces using data in 2020-2021 show that the province of East Kalimantan ranks first with ITKPD values ​​of 0.604 and East Java and DIY in the next order based on regional type classification.


It is expected, with the results of the analysis of the results of ITKPD that has been carried out the quality and effectiveness of the Regional Government Governance Process for further evaluation in order to achieve regional development goals with all the limitations it has.



#government and human development 2023
