Wednesday, 09 February 2022
Implementation of Smart City and Digital Village in Prov. East Kalimantan
Government and Human Development Sector, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended a meeting to discuss the Implementation of Smart City and Digital Village in East Kalimantan Province which was held at the East Kalimantan Governor's Office on Monday (07/02/22 ).
The meeting was a follow-up to PT's letter. Telkom Indonesia regarding the discussion on Smart City and Digital Village was attended by the relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and led by the Head of Government Section (Kabag), Government and Regional Autonomy Bureau of the Provincial Secretariat. East Kalimantan, Mr. Imanudin.
General Manager PT. Telkom Indonesia, Mr. Deni explained the importance of implementing Smart City and Digital Village to grow the community's economy and realize better governance with Smart City.
Further explained PT services. Telkom to create a Smart City, some of which are biometric and geolocation based attendance and parking management to increase Regional Original Income (PAD).
The meeting to discuss the implementation of Smart City was continued with discussions and closed with several directions from the Head of Government, Bureau of Government and Regional Autonomy of the Provincial Secretariat. East Kalimantan, Mr. Imanudin.
“Based on the explanations and discussions that have been carried out, it is hoped that Diskominfo Kaltim can hold further discussions with PT. "Telkom Indonesia regarding the implementation of Smart City and Digital Village in East Kalimantan and aligning it with the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE)," said the Head of the East Kalimantan Regional Secretariat's Government Division.