
Thursday, 09 June 2022



757 times seen

Geospatial Information Data Inventory

Monday, 06/06/2022. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the PPEPD Sector Implementing Inventory of Geospatial Information Data in the Bappeda Office Poldas Meeting Room. Kaltim.


This meeting was chaired by young expert planner Muhammad Hamsani, ST, M.Sc and attended by regional apparatus as a data producer.


The purpose of this activity is to optimize the role of regional apparatuses in supporting the target of the achievement of the regional medium-term development plan through an inventory of geospatial information. At present the data progress reaches 198 IGT with the IGT target in the 200 IGT RPJMD.


hamsani said that in the future we will make this jigd regional integrated Kalimantan and this is strongly supported by the central big.


As we know the existence of concrete and valid geospatial information of each regional data/regional manufacturer is needed in regional development planning, especially in welcoming IKN, the availability of data can facilitate planning related to spatial planning and seeing the potential of the area around IKN.

#baped mutiled




