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East Kalimantan Hosts IV National Working Meeting 2013

East Kalimantan Province as the host of the National Working Meeting IV Bappeda Association of Provinces in Indonesia
Year 2013

Rakernas-Ambon ambon, 10/ 02/2012 , on February 8 - 10, 2012 a National Working Meeting of the Association of Provincial Bappeda All Indonesia was held in Ambion City. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, H. Rusmadi was present at the event along with the Head of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Head of Program Planning Subdivision, Head of General Subdivision.

The meeting was opened by the Governor of Maluku, the meeting was attended by the State Minister for National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Prof. Dr. Armida S. Alisjahbana, Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, Deputy Minister of PPN/Bappenas for Regional Development and Regional Autonomy, Expert Staff for Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs. and Advisor to the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Themes in Rakernas III in Ambon are:
"Building Indonesia through the expansion of quality and accountable development planning networks between government, academics, business and communities to increase competitiveness "

This meeting is an annual agenda of the Association of the Head of Bappeda throughout Indonesia with the aim of discussing planning management, financial management and administrative management and evaluating the results of agreement on the implementation of the National Working Meeting in the previous year and the location of the location Implementation of the National Working Meeting the following year.
at the National Working Meeting of the Association of the Head of Bappeda throughout Indonesia III in Ambon City, East Kalimantan Province was honored for the implementation of the 2013 National Working Meeting IV.

In the Rakernas the Ambon Declaration produced the following agreement: Download here

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*. ( Bappeda Public Relations )