Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda at Public Dialogue with the theme "Guarding Local Aspirations for IKN" TVRI East Kalimantan
Tuesday, 06/21/2022. Head of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province and (Plt. 2nd Assistant to the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province), Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. H.M. Aswin, MM was a resource person in the Public Dialogue organized by TVRI East Kalimantan which was broadcast via television media and the TVRI Kaltim YouTube channel. The topic raised in this dialogue was "Guarding Local Aspirations for the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago".
The Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda was present as a resource person along with two other speakers, namely member of Commission IV of the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD, Mr. Rusman Yakub, and the Treasurer of the National Regional Organization Council, Mr. Mahfud Ghozali.
As is well known, it has been decided that the IKN "Nusantara" will be moved to East Kalimantan through the stipulation of Law Number 3 of 2022 which was passed on February 15 2022. The relocation of the National Capital is considered a blessing for the people of East Kalimantan. It is felt that this step in moving IKN will bring progress to various sectors and provide changes to the quality of life of the surrounding community. However, there are still concerns regarding the relocation of the capital city, namely regarding how much contribution and involvement the Central Government will provide to the people of East Kalimantan in the development process and the implementation of the IKN government in East Kalimantan.
Prof. Aswin expressed his views regarding the contribution of East Kalimantan residents to the IKN that the IKN Law generally states to involve local residents, although the amount of their contribution is not specifically stated. Then it was also stated in the Presidential Decree regarding the structure of the IKN Authority that there must be 2 (two) deputies from East Kalimantan. When viewed from a future perspective, IKN is divided into two things, namely the preparation stage which of course requires a lot of manpower; as well as the government implementation stage where the workforce is planned to be brought from the Central/Jakarta area. However, it should be noted that the interest of government workers in Jakarta (Central) in moving to East Kalimantan is still small/reluctant due to reasons related to family and others. Seeing these conditions needs to be seen as an opportunity that we can take to be able to work and contribute to the Ministry or IKN.
Also delivered by Prof. Aswin said that the Provincial Government is currently still having problems and is still continuing to improve data collection in identifying local and non-local residents. Prof. Aswin emphasized that most importantly, we as East Kalimantan citizens need to prepare ourselves by taking part and equipping ourselves with certification and skills so that we can participate optimally in IKN. Currently, the Provincial Government has attempted to further optimize this through developing the existing BLKI. However, the hope is that residents also need to be more creative in seeing opportunities such as agricultural potential and other economic sectors, apart from hoping for the construction sector and working in government.
Meanwhile, another resource person who was present on this occasion, Mr. Mahfud Ghozali (MODN Treasurer) said that the aspirations of East Kalimantan residents to this day are still dominated by the workforce (HR) aspect. In line with what has been explained by Prof. Aswin previously hoped that certification and everything related to increasing the competency of local human resources could be made easier and more optimized. Furthermore, Mr. Rusman Yakub (member of Commission IV DRPD Kaltim) who was also present said that vocational and skills education must be encouraged and prepared as a concrete step in welcoming IKN because we still have enough time to welcome IKN to East Kalimantan.
< a href="https://bappeda.kaltimprov.go.id/storage/posts-news/June2022/kbkpdptmaluikntvrikt-2.jpg" data-fslightbox="">< a href="https://bappeda.kaltimprov.go.id/storage/posts-news/June2022/kbkpdptmaluikntvrikt-3.jpg" data-fslightbox="">< a href="https://bappeda.kaltimprov.go.id/storage/posts-news/June2022/kbkpdptmaluikntvrikt-4.jpg" data-fslightbox="">< /p>