
Friday, 23 September 2022



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Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda as a guest speaker theme "Investment Opportunities and Cooperation of Non -Oil and Gas Industry Development in East Kalimantan"

Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSP) of the Republic of Indonesia as one of the DPD RI equipment in a series of work visit activities carried out on 21 to September 23, 2022, held a dialogue in order to capture the potential for regional and foreign cooperation, Thursday (09/22/2022).


dialogue that carries the theme "Strengthening the Global Value Chains of the East Kalimantan Industry in the Indonesian and Dutch Economic Partnership" was opened by the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, Mr. Hadi Mulyadi and carried out hybrid at the Novotel Hotel Balikpapan and attended by the DPD RI element, East Kalimantan and Bappeda Regency/City in East Kalimantan, the Dutch Embassy, ​​as well as the business element of the business world.


In the dialogue, the Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM became one of the speakers who delivered exposure related to investment opportunities & cooperation in the development of non-oil and gas industry in East Kalimantan Province.


In his presentation, he conveyed several projects that were ready for investment in East Kalimantan Province, including: Integrated B3 Waste Management Center in MBTK KEK; Food Estate Program in Paser and PPU (Penajam Paser Utara); Development of Tourist Attractions: Derawan, Kakaban, Biduk-Biduk, Maratua, Sangalaki, Kanjungan Island; and crumb rubber construction project in West Kutai.


dialogue moderated by the Deputy Chairman of the BKSP DPD RL, Mr. Gusti Farid Hasan Aman also presented other speakers, including the Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (Dr. Jerry Sambuaga) who delivered an exposure to opportunities and challenges of Indonesian and Dutch trade partners Indonesia.


As stated, the Netherlands has a very good reputation in water management, urban planning, smart cities, horticulture, and renewable economy such as solar energy and wind energy. In addition to these investments, the Netherlands is also ready to offer knowledge about the value of agricultural, health and manufacturing global services.


Through this dialogue, it is hoped that the partnership of the two countries (Indonesia and the Netherlands) will become more strategic because Indonesia is currently making efforts to reduce the development gap between Java and the external, developing industries that have added value and not just selling raw materials such as nickel, and building new growth centers, among others through the construction of IKN in East Kalimantan.


#baped mutiled


#cooperation in the development of IndustryMigascaltims