Kick Of Meeting Proyek Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions
Bilateral Development Cooperation Framework (BDCF) 497-040 signed by the United States Government (USAID) and the Indonesian Government (Ministry of PPN/Bappenas) on July 22, 2020 for the 2020-2025 period. Under BDCF, there is one of the framework of the Sustainable Ecosystem Management (Stem), which is aimed at strengthening Indonesia in protecting biodiversity and strengthening sustainable natural resource management. STEM is generally aimed at supporting the achievement of Pn1, PN2, PN3, PN6, TPB/SDGs to 13 and 15. Specifically, STEM aims to protect forest and land areas that have high conservation values and promote the practice of sustainable economic activity. Fresh is a stem program. Fresh projects were carried out in Aceh Province (Aceh Tamlang Regency, East Aceh and North Aceh), West Kalimantan Province (Kubu Raya, Sanggau, Sintang and Ketapang Regency), Central Kalimantan (Seruyan and West Kotawaringin Regency) and East Kalimantan (Berau Regency, East Kutai and Mahakam Ulu)
Fresh aims to strengthen environmental governance and improve the implementation of environmental and social sustainability as a target, in the supply chain of the production of natural resource commodities by the private sector. The approaches taken include transparent and scientific -based; multi-sector and multi-stakeholder; "Honest intermediary" in facilitating the relationship/activity between stakeholders so that activities continue even though the project ends; and encouraging change actors to demonstrate various models that have been successfully tested so that they are broad scale; The Fresh Usadi Team consists of the Jakarta base: Chief of Party, Deputy Chief of Party, Four Technical Leads, Mel, Operations; At the site of the site coordinated by Site Manager, Consortium and Key Partners namely Bappenas, KLHK, Provincial Government and Regency Government, Comodity Supply Chain Actors and the local community.