
Tuesday, 25 June 2024



696 times seen

Kick off RPJMD Technocratic Design: Preparation of Strategies to Lead the Eastern Indonesian Economy

Samarinda (06/25/2024) - The preparation of the Teknocratic Design of the Regional Medium -Term Development Plan (RPJMD) for the 2025-2029 period was held at the Mercure Hotel Samarinda. This preparation agenda focuses on the economic transformation roadmap in East Kalimantan for the next five years.
IKN Authority Macro Planning, Agustimi, who also gave their views and input related to economic transformation in East Kalimantan. The event was opened by the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Sri Wahyuni. In his speech he stressed the importance of the role of East Kalimantan Province as the main economic driver in Kalimantan and Eastern Indonesia, especially with the presence of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN). He stated that East Kalimantan contributed around 48 percent to the regional economy of Kalimantan, in accordance with the spirit of the song Mars East Kalimantan which emphasized the welfare of the entire East Kalimantan. East in realizing the economic center of Eastern Indonesia, will focus on five elements. Namely the economic focus in which East Kalimantan as the driving force of the Eastern Eastern Indonesia region is tough -based on the downstreaming of superior commodities. The second element is to focus on human resources and government in realizing good governance and superior human resources, further focus on sustainable environments. Then the direction of infrastructure based on green energy and environmentally friendly and social focus that has protection and adaptive and integrated.

fighting in the East Kalimantan Pilgub in November 2024.

With this opening meeting, it is hoped that East Kalimantan can be better prepared to face challenges and opportunities in the next five years, especially in its role as the main economic driver in eastern Indonesia.



#Transformasi Economics

#kaltims prosperous
