Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Public Consultation Brings Synergy to East Kalimantan Development
Samarinda, 14/3/2017. Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H.Zairin Zain, M.Si delivered a presentation at the 2017 East Kalimantan Public Consultation event in the context of preparing the Preliminary Draft Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) for the Province East Kalimantan 2018 in the meeting room of the Midtown Samarinda Hotel.
In his speech, H. Zairin Zain, former Head of the East Kalimantan Province Transportation Service with the title Direction of Regional Development Policy for East Kalimantan Province in 2018 and the theme of the 2017 East Kalimantan Public Consultation "Strengthening the Community's Economy Towards Fair and Equitable Prosperity" said that the 2017 East Kalimantan Public Consultation will bring synergy to the development of East Kalimantan Province and between regencies/cities throughout East Kalimantan and at the national level.
Implementation The 2017 East Kalimantan Public Consultation was opened by the Assistant for People's Welfare, Ir.H.Bere Ali, M.Si representing the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, attended by approximately two hundred and fifty participants from echelon II, III, IV officials and scope staff. East Kalimantan Province Regional Apparatus and Regency/City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan, business/private sectors, local NGOs, foreign NGOs, community leaders, academics and East Kalimantan community organizations.
The implementation of the public consultation forum is intended to capture stakeholder aspirations at an early stage. With the aim of gathering the aspirations or hopes of stakeholders regarding development priorities and targets for the planned year.
Consultation forums are held on a limited basis by inviting key stakeholders consisting of academics/universities, associations- professional associations, entrepreneurs and community leaders.
From the Public Consultation forum, it is hoped that important input will be obtained which will focus more on technocratic aspects.
Year RKPD Theme 2018 "Strengthening the Community Economy Towards Fair and Equitable Prosperity" with priority programs for 2018 including:
1. Improving the Quality of Education Delivery
2. Improving the Quality of Health Services
3. Acceleration of Poverty Alleviation
4. Increasing and Expanding Job Opportunities
5. Community Economic Development
6. Accelerating Economic Transformation
7. Fulfilling Environmentally Friendly Energy Needs
8. Agribusiness Development
9. Increasing Food Production
10. Improving the Quality of Basic Infrastructure
11. Bureaucratic Reform and Government Governance
12. Improving the Quality of the Environment
Regional Development Planning is the spearhead in the implementation of regional and national development and is essentially development planning is a series of process activities to prepare decisions regarding what is expected to happen, such as events, circumstances, atmosphere and so on. Planning is not a matter of guesswork, manipulation or theory without concrete facts or data, but planning preparation must be assessed. Another nation that is famous for its planning is the United States. Planning determines the success of a program so much that the Americans and Japanese will take longer to discuss planning than its application. Quoting from the mass media.
Long Term Development can be said to have succeeded in laying a strong foundation for subsequent Long Term development. The goal of Long Term Development is to create a nation that is advanced and independent, prosperous physically and mentally in order to create a just and prosperous society in the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
We can call this broad formulation the objectives normative or normative vision of national development. In order to achieve the normative goals of Long Term Development, the general target is also formulated as the creation of human quality and the quality of an advanced and independent Indonesian society. Society is increasingly developing, becoming smarter and broadening its horizons of choice as a result of Indonesia's human resources.
Facing Long-Term Development, there are many things that need to be taken into account in order to better direct the general goals or objectives to be achieved, which must be more detailed so that development does not widen or deviate without a clear direction.
In this framework it is necessary to formulate strategic goals and objectives. As the first element in Indonesia's general development program in order to achieve long-term development goals, especially in the health sector, it must be based on two main principles, namely its comprehensive and dynamic nature.
The comprehensive nature is due to the fact that all national development programs are essentially carried out by Indonesian people who are capable of carrying them out. Indonesian people are people who are the result of education and training that is relevant to market demands or national development demands.
To become an independent nation, basically there is not a single sector of national life or national development sector that is not touched by Indonesian Human Resources. If Indonesian human resources are not prepared, these sectors will be filled by foreign workers in accordance with the dynamism of world life today, namely an open world. An open world allows competition between people and between nations.
Only skilled and qualified nations and people will be able to compete with other nations in this era of globalization. Comprehensive education and training planning means that the planning must be in line and in line with development strategies and national priorities. In accordance with the direction and targets of Long Term Development, national general planning must be dynamic in accordance with the dynamics that live in Indonesian society, which is increasingly high in the quality of life and the level of thinking of its people. The increasing dynamics of society demands broad community participation to empower society and include community dynamics.
This also means that the planning process must be susceptible to changes that occur in real life and not be engineered from above or the central government. Even though not all government engineering is negative, the dynamics require a harmonious mix between the demands of the central government and the participation of the general public.
The needs of the market and the needs of the people at large reflect improving democratic life and are also the result of a general planning process that is increasingly closer to the needs of society. The general planning that future society needs is planning that is driven by market mechanisms and needs. Which means that national development goals will be closer and will receive support from society as a whole. And then the world of the future, the world of the 21st century as the information century and advances in science and technology have changed the lifestyle of Indonesian people who are moving towards an industrial society.
The future transformation of society requires a clear general planning vision that accommodates the dynamics of socio-economic transformation of society. The era of communication technology will bring humans closer to one another so that these dynamics must be accommodated to make national development goals more successful. This strategic vision must be able to direct the national general planning process so that prioritized national development programs in all fields will be supported by the existence of intelligent and skilled Indonesian Human Resources in accordance with the needs of the global community.
1. Definition of Planning Conyers & Hills (1994) defines planning as a continuous process that includes decisions or choices regarding various alternative uses of resources to achieve certain goals in the future.
Meanwhile, according to Yulius Nyerere, planning is the process of choosing between various desired activities because not everything that is desired can be done and achieved at the same time. Planning is a concept that is planned and prepared systematically by a certain body to achieve a goal. Planning is the selection and determination of activities, then what must be done, when, how and by whom. Planning is a process that does not end when the plan has been established and must be implemented.
2. Definition of Development Development according to Siagian is a series of growth and change efforts that are planned and carried out consciously by a nation, state and government towards modernity in the context of nation building. According to Rostow, development is the transformation from underdeveloped countries to developed countries and can be explained through a sequence of levels or stages. According to La Peire, development is an effort that is systematically planned and carried out to change the situation and conditions of society to a more perfect level. Meanwhile, according to Gouled, one form of social change and modernization is a special form of development, while industrialization is one aspect of development. Development is a change towards better conditions through planned efforts. Development is renewal which is also a form of change in a desired direction but is more related to values or a value system. By looking at the two definitions above, we can conclude that Development Planning is a process of preparing stages that involve various elements in order to utilize and allocate existing resources in order to improve social welfare in an environment, region or area over a period of time. certain.
National strategic projects in East Kalimantan Province based on Presidential Decree Number 3 of 2016 include:
1. Balikpapan – Samarinda Toll Road;
2. Construction of Provincial Railways;
3. New Port and Development of SEZ MBTK Port Capacity;
4. Bontang Oil Refinery;
5. Balikpapan Oil Refinery Upgrading
6. Marangkayu Dam;
7. Teritip Dam;
8. Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan Industrial Zone/SEZ
9. Development of East Kalimantan Food Estate Agriculture.
10. Construction of Border Access Roads
11. Construction of New Samarinda Airport
12. Construction of New Smd Airport Access Road
13. Construction of the Jb Approach Road. Balang Island
14. Construction of Maratua Airport
15. Construction of 1000 MW Mine Mouth PLTU
16. Development of 2 Million Ha of Oil Palm
17. Construction of the PPU – Balikpapan Toll Bridge
18. Construction of the Samarinda - Bontang Toll Road
(Public Relations of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).