
Tuesday, 07 February 2023



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Public Consultation on the Principles of Changes in Law No. 3 of 2022 concerning the Capital of the State (IKN)

Monday (06/02/2023), Head of Infrastructure and Region of Mrs. Elly Luchritia Nova, S.T., M.T. along with the staff attended the public consultation agenda about the main subjects in Law No. 3 of 2022 about the Capital City (IKN) held at the Novotel Balikpapan Hotel through the Zoom Meeting.


The agenda was opened by Mr. Drs. Oktorialdi, MA, Ph.D as Plt. Expert Staff of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas in the Field of Institutional Relations and present 3 (three) speakers namely Pak Dr. Agung Purnomo, S.H., M. Hum as Director of Law, Legal Unit and Compliance with the Authority of the Capital City of the Archipelago; Pak Mujibuddawah, SE., Me. As the Head of the Finance Bureau, BMN, ADP Authority of the Capital City of the Archipelago; Constantinus Kristomo, S.S., M.H. As the Head of the National Legal Planning Center, BPHN - Ministry of Law and Human Rights.


From a number of implementing regulations from the IKN Law that has been passed along with the others in the discussion process, but as long as the IKN Law is carried out, there are several things that need to be strengthened in their arrangements. Therefore, this public consultation was held to capture constructive input from stakeholders in order to finalize the main changes of the IKN Law. Strengthening the regulation regarding the sustainability of IKN development is carried out by removing the phrase "specifically regulated in this law" because the closing provisions of the IKN Law raises interpretation if a provision is not specifically regulated in the IKN Law, it cannot be excluded from the provisions of the legislation in general. Therefore, the addition of the concept of "fiscal kahar" which is a condition in which the state is unable to pay debts and other costs that have matured. Except in this fiscal kahar state, 4P activities are still carried out until the completion of the IKN development. Regulations for implementing the IKN Law that are contrary to changes in the IKN Law must be adjusted and determined no later than 2 (two) months after the changes to the IKN Law are determined.


The arrangement of IKN governance is a necessity that must be carried out immediately by making changes to the laws and related regulations. And the need for effectiveness and efficiency in public services becomes a fundamental aspect in building IKN governance. With the need for changes in the law for greater effectiveness and benefits.


#infrastructure and fell on 2023

#Consultation of the Republic of Indonesia

