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Bontang City RPJMD Final Draft Consultation 2016-2021

samarinda, Monday 1/8/2016. Bappeda City of Bontang conducted a Consultation of the Final Design of Development Plan Regional Medium-Term Regional (RPJMD) of Bontang City in 2016-2021 led by Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division (P3D), Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Ir.Hj. Farida Hydro Foilyani, M.Si accompanied by the Head of Bappeda City of Bontang Zulkifli in the Bappeda Propeda Meeting Room of East Kalimantan Province, Jln. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda was attended by the SKPD of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

In leading the meeting, Head of P3D Bappeda Kaltim Hj. Farida Hydro Foilyani said, the Bontang City RPJMD in 2016-2021 must be in line with the East Kalimantan RPJMD in 2013-2018 so that the focus of the development planning according to the desired target.

The preparation of the RPJMD in the administration of an autonomous region is a mandate Indonesia Number 2 of 2015 concerning the Establishment of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government to Law.
With the inauguration and appointment of the Mayor of Bontang and Deputy Mayor of Bontang (Dr. Neni Moerniaeni and Basri Rase) for the 2016-2021 period, on March 23, 2016, the obligation is attached to prepare a regional medium-term development plan (RPJMD) Bontang City in 2016-2021 as a guideline for development for 5 (five) years as well as the realization of the regulatory mandate as stipulated in Article 65 paragraph (1) letter (c) Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, which states that one of the tasks of the regional head is to compile and submit a draft regulation on the RPJMD to the DPRD to be discussed with the DPRD.

Furthermore, based on Article 15 paragraph (2) Government Regulation Number 8 of 2008 concerning Stages, Procedures for Preparation, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development Plans, stated that the Regional Regulation on the RPJMD is determined for the longest 6 (six) months after the regional head is inaugurated.

As a regional development planning document, the RPJMD is a translation of the vision, mission, and regional head program that contains the goals, objectives, strategies, policy directions, regional development and regional finances, and programs Regional Apparatus and Cross Regional Apparatus accompanied by an Indicative Funding Framework for a period of 5 (five) years compiled based on the RPJPD and RPJMN.

Regional development planning is a process of preparing the stages of activities involving various elements of stakeholders in it, in order to use and allocation of existing resources in order to improve social welfare in a regional/regional environment within a certain period Regional Length (RPJPD), Regional Medium -Term Development Plan (RPJMD), and Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD). 2016-2021 period, as regulated in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 54 of 2010 concerning Implementation of Government Regulation Number 8 of 2008 concerning Stages, Procedures for Preparation, Control, and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plans. (Sukandar, S. Sos /Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim).