
Thursday, 23 June 2022



549 kali dilihat

Consultation on Draft Regional Regulation on RKPD Samarinda City, Kab. West Kutai, Kab. Kutai Kartanegara in 2023

The Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province held a Draft Regional Regulation Facilitation Meeting regarding the 2023 RKPD for Samarinda City, West Kutai Regency and Kutai Kartanegara at the Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan, Tuesday (21/06/2022).< /p>


The meeting, which was opened by the Head of PPEPD Bappeda Kaltim, Mrs. Rina Juliati and attended by Regional Apparatus Elements within the Government of Samarinda City, Kubar and Kukar Regency as well as elements of Bappeda Kaltim was carried out in accordance with the mandate given regulated in Law no. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation no. 86 of 2017 concerning Procedures for Planning, Controlling and Evaluation of Regional Development, where the Regent/Mayor is asked to consult the Ranperkada RKPD to the Governor to be facilitated in order to obtain suggestions and input on the Final Draft RKPD that has been prepared, before it is determined through the Regional Regulation.


In the facilitation, he conveyed the importance of consistency between planning and budgeting.


“We need to remind you again that consistency between planning and budgeting is very important, because the RKPD document will be the basis for guidance in preparing KUA-PPAS, so you need to make sure again that all programs/activities/sub-activities planned to be implemented in 2023 along with their performance formulations have been accommodated in the RKPD document," said the Head of the PPEPD Bappeda Kaltim.


It was further stated that substantive changes at the budgeting stage that are outside of planning need to be avoided.


For your information, the output of this facilitation is the Minutes of Facilitation Implementation Results, as well as the Governor's Letter regarding the results of the 2023 RKPD Ranperkada Facilitation which is the basis for improving the RKPD Ranperkada for Samarinda City, Kutai Regency West and Kutai Kartanegara in 2023. And notes on improvements from the results of this facilitation need to be followed up immediately because in accordance with Permendagri 81 of 2022, The district/city RKPD must be determined 1 (one) week after the Provincial RKPD is determined, or that means around the beginning of July 2022.



#uuno23 Tahun2014

#permendagrino86 Tahun2017

#permendagrini81 Tahun2022





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