Tuesday, 14 February 2023
Visit Analyst of the Indonesian Parliament Secretary General APBN Regarding Illegal Mining Data Collection in Indonesia
Samarinda, (02/08/2023). Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan was represented by the Head of Economy, Mr. Wahyu Gatut, received an analyst for the APBN Analyst Secretariat General of the Indonesian Parliament at the Propeda Meeting Room.
APBN Analyst Secretary General of the Indonesian Parliament who visited five people consisting of Ms. Ratna Christianingrum, S.Si., M.Sc, Ms. Marihotnution, SE., M.Si, Mr. Orlando Raka Bestianta, SE, Ms. Andriani Elizabeth, S.A.P, M.B.A, and Mr. Deandra Chasmir, SE. S.Ak.
revealed by Ms. Ratna Christianingrum The purpose of this visit is to examine the role/contribution of mining in general in the economy of an area and how the attitudes and policies of the region face the rise of illegal mining.
Ms. Ratna explained that the Province of East Kalimantan was chosen as one of the respondents considering that East Kalimantan became one of the provinces with the contribution of the mining and highest excavation sector among other provinces in Indonesia. Until the third quarter of 2022 the mining and excavation sector in East Kalimantan Province contributed around 47% of the total PDRB of East Kalimantan Province.
"Of course of that number is good, but on the other hand the data from Jatam said that currently there are around 200 illegal mining points spread across various districts/cities in East Kalimantan. Now from here we want to see how much the impact of illegal mining both from environmental damage, regional income, profit sharing funds, more to the economic perspective, "he said.
The results of this data collection will be arranged into a book with the theme of illegal mining in Indonesia. This book is awaited to be handed over to members of the Indonesian Parliament both Commission III, Commission IV, Commission VII, Commission VIII, as a supporting material related to their duties and authority to take policies.
Also present at this meeting Head of DPMPTSP Prov. East Kalimantan, Environmental Agency, Bapenda Prov. Kaltim, and PUPR Prov. Kaltim.
#economy is the source of the year 2023
#Secretariat Jenjendprri
#mining contribution