Bontang City DPRD working visit
Samarinda, (20/05/2021). East Kalimantan Province Bappeda was represented by the Head of Economics and Natural Resources Hj. HIdayanti Darma and Subdivision Head H. Dani Fachriza received a working visit from the Bontang City DPRD in the RPJM meeting room at the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda office.
This work visit was motivated by an initiative to rebuild the Bontang Kuala tourist attraction. As we all know, this tourist attraction was hit by a fire in October 2020.
The deputy chairman of the DRPD Bontang said that the tourist village makes a big contribution to the PAD of Bontang City, "Bontang City has the potential the tourist village of Kampung Laut Bontang Kuala which was developed into a tourism attraction. "Kampung Laut Bontang Kuala's title as a tourist village is due to the activities of its residents who still maintain the continuity of customs, cultural and religious activities and the typical kinship relations of Bugis fishermen" he said.
For this reason, this meeting aims to discuss Mechanisms for Proposing Tourist Attraction Development Activities in Pro Financial Assistance Fund Source Activitiesvince. According to the current deputy chairman of the Bontang DPRD the DED has been completed and is supported by the Regional Head, but due to budget limitations, funding for activities is being sought through Financial Assistance Fund Sources East Kalimantan Province in 2022.
Responding to this, Hidayanti said that the proposal could be proposed for 2023 because the proposed community aspirations in the SIPD application for 2022 had already been submitted. closed. However, while waiting, he also suggested that the development activities of this tourist attraction could also involve investors with the assistance of Bank Indonesia so that it could be promoted.
(Public Relations of BappedaKaltim/Fat)