East Kalimantan Governor's Working Visit in Longkeng Garden & Nature Tourism Area, Paser Regency
In a series of activities for the visit of the Governor of East Kalimantan to the southern region, the Governor conducted a review of the Longan Garden and the natural tourism area in Paser Regency on Friday, October 1521.
Some agendas carried out at this location include:
- demonstration of making wood charcoal and wood vinegar;
- Picking longan;
- Photo with Ciareal Agro Forestry;
- Submission of Facilitation of 1 Cultivator Unit to Nyungen Jaya Forest Farmers Group by the Governor of East Kalimantan.
On this occasion, the Governor was also accompanied by the Forestry Service Prov. Kaltim, UPT KPHP Kendilo Suweto Village, Tgup3, Head of Regional Apparatus Prov. East Kalimantan, as well as representatives of the Regency Government. Paser.