Tuesday, 01 December 2020
East Kalimantan Governor's Work Visit to Central Java & DI Jogja
Solo, Central Java - DI Yogyakarta 1/20/12. The Governor of East Kalimantan DR.H. Awang Faroek Ishak accompanied by the Chairman of the East Kalimantan DPRD, H.M. Mukmin Faisyal.HP, S.H and East Kalimantan Regional Secretary Dr H Irianto Lambrie and the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda DR. Ir. H. Rusmadi.MS as well as several SKPD heads within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government held working visits to Central Java Province and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The working visit was mainly carried out in an effort to establish cooperation related to agriculture in a broad sense, especially the development of the Rice-Food Estate in East Kalimantan.
In his explanation regarding the development of the Rice-Food Estate in East Kalimantan, the Governor said that as of January 17 2012, 331,183 ha of land had been identified which could be used as a location for the construction of the Rice-Food Estate spread across 10 regencies in East Kalimantan. To date, 16 companies have been identified with land requirements of 350,000 ha for various commodities, such as rice, corn, fisheries and livestock. In his presentation, the Governor of East Kalimantan hoped that cooperation could be carried out with the Province of Central Java and the Special Region of Jogyakarta, especially in relation to the provision of trained, educated and experienced workers in the agricultural sector in a broad sense.
The Provincial Governments of Central Java and DI Yogyakarta welcome the cooperation plans offered by the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan. In terms of food security success, Central Java Province, which consists of 35 districts/cities, is in a stable position and experienced a rice surplus of 2.9 million tons in 2010. In line with the Central Java government, the DI Jogyakarta government also welcomed the offer from the East Kalimantan Province government. This offer is expected to be a solution to reduce population density, where currently Jogyakarta is the 2nd most populous province after DKI Jakarta. Another thing that can also be collaborated with DIY is strengthening MSMEs and developing human resources.
During his working visit to Central Java and DIY, the Governor and his entourage also visited the Technopark in Solo to see the ESEMKA car assembly place. The interesting thing is that Technopark is a UPT from the Solo City Bappeda which functions as a center for education and technology in practical industrial applications including production machines, garment machines, welding, automotive and Information and Technology. Currently Technopark Solo is able to finance its own activities. Data source: Economic Sector of BAPPEDA East Kalimantan and informed by Sukandar, S.Sos/Humas BAPPEDA East Kalimantan.