Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Building the synergy of the central and regional governments through the Regional Redbang Remortek Regional II in East Kalimantan "
Samarinda, (12/3/2019). "Rakortekrenbang is an important meeting as an effort to plan activities and their budget to strengthen the harmonization of central and regional government cooperation. Of course we in Eastern Indonesia expect that the budget to be allocated for the implementation of the program activities is enlarged, worthy of meeting the needs of the region and just, "said the Governor of East Kalimantan Dr. Ir. H. Isran Noor, M.Si when giving a speech at the 2019 Regional Rakortekrenbang II in Balikpapan East Kalimantan.
Located at the Gran Senyiur Hotel Balikapapan Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas together with the Ministry of Home Affairs held a Regional Development Planning Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortekrenbang) Regional II (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua). This activity lasted for five days from March 11 to March 15, 2019.
Implementation of a coordination meeting aims to build an understanding and agreement between the central government through ministries/institutions and regional governments through the Provincial Bappeda and OPD/Office on Programs, Activities, Projects and outputs priorities that will be implemented in 2020 .
Year 2020 is a transition in national development planning, given the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) ended this year, but the 2020-2024 RPJMN as the basis for the preparation of the 2020 RKP has not been determined. So, in this case, the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas refers to the 2005-2025 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) to prepare RKP 2020.
Government Work Plan (RKP) 2020 carries the theme "Improved Human Resources for Quality Growth", Minister of National Development Planning (Head of Bappenas) Bambang Brojonegoro explained the main points of the Government Work Plan 2020 includes: (1) Human Development and Poverty Alleviation (2) Infrastructure and equal distribution, (3) added value of the real sector, industrialization and employment opportunities, (4) food security, water, energy, and the environment, (5) stability Defense and security.
Furthermore, Bambang conveyed development priorities for the Kalimantan region among others: (1) downstreaming oil palm plantations, as well as nickel and coal mining, (2) the construction of the Kalimantan railroad track ) Development of border areas, (5) Development of rural areas and tourism areas.
With the implementation of Regional Rakortekrenbang Regional II in East Kalimantan is expected to be able to produce the first , program, activities, projects, targets, locations, and central and regional budgets that have shown the location (Spatial) In the achievement of national development targets in 2020. Second , The realization of regional commitment in supporting the achievement of 5 (five) Proposed national priority in 2020. Third, The creation of better coordination between the center and the region. fourth, The governor as the representative of the central government in the regions can describe the results of the cortex to the district/city in his area by carrying out the provincial level cortexbang. And fifth , the realization of programs and activities in accordance with regional potential and cooperation with the private sector/PPP (non-budget investment financing and government outside the APBN/APBD).
Meanwhile, Director of Regional Development Evaluation and Information Planning Budiono Subambang, ST, MPM expressed a number of things that need to be a concern and follow -up after the technical coordination of the Development Plan is the Ministry of Institution to carry out national programs, activities and priorities at the RKP and Renja Ministry/Institution In 2020 in accordance with what had been agreed upon in this forum, then the local government aligned program activities and locations in supporting national priorities and regional priorities in the RKPD and Renja Regional Apparatus draft. Budiono added that the results of the Rakortekrenbang will be the material of the Provincial Musrenbang, the National Musrenbang and the Coordination Meeting of the Head of Bappeda in Indonesia. (ft)