
Saturday, 18 December 2021



1539 times seen

Monitoring Evaluation of the results of the application of minimum service standards

Government and Human Development Sector of East Kalimantan Province attended the coordination meeting in the framework of monitoring and evaluating the application of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in the Provincial and Regency/City regions carried out by the Directorate General of Regional Development (Bangda) of the Ministry of Home Affairs on Friday, December 17, 2021.

The meeting held online and attended by 965 participants consisting of regional apparatus throughout Indonesia as the SPM support was opened by Plt. Directorate General of Bina Bangda Ministry of Home Affairs, Bpk. Sugeng Haryono.

In his remarks and direction, it was said that the achievements of the application of SPM in the regions in 2020 were still not optimal. This is because among others because the region still does not meet the stages of implementing SPM well. The stages of implementing the SPM include data collection, calculating the needs of fulfilling basic services, preparation of plans for fulfilling basic services, and implementing basic services.

further conveyed, the SPM application coordination team in the regions consisting of Bappeda and regional apparatus throughout Indonesia can carry out monitoring and evaluation periodically at least every 3 months, so that the application of SPM can be gained optimally.

#minimum service standards

#devices in the area

#ministry innegeri