Musrenbang RKPD Mahakam Ulu Regency in 2023
Wednesday, 03/23/2022. The Head of P2EPD (Mrs. Rina Juliaty) representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, was present virtually and became a guest speaker in the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) for the preparation of the Mahakam Ulu Regency RKPD in 2023. Mahakam Ulu, Vertical Agencies, Non -Government Institutions, Community Organizations, Community Leaders and Private Company Representatives.
Musrenbang RKPD Mahakam Ulu Regency is a follow-up stage carried out by the Mahakam Ulu Regency Government in the context of the preparation of the Mahakam Ulu Regency RKPD in 2023 after previously the public consultation activity was carried out in the initial RKPD of Mahakam Ulu Regency, according to the mandate of Permendagri No. 86 of 2017.
This RKPD Musrenbang aims to discuss the draft RKPD of Mahakam Ulu Regency in 2023 and agree on development issues, development priorities, programs/activities, indicative ceiling, indicators, performance targets, locus, and alignment of regional programs/activities with regional development targets/priorities. Besides that, there was also a discussion of programs/activities that had been proposed at the level of the village and sub -district musrenbang.
On this occasion, the Assistant for the Economy of the Mahulu Setkab conveyed the direction of the Mahakam Ulu Regent so that in the preparation of programs/activities, as well as the targets and priorities of Mahakam Ulu Regency in 2023 can pay attention to several basic things including related to the impact of post-Pandemi Covid; High level of poverty; Improving the quality and competitiveness of human resources; Improved Agro Industry Based on Science and Technology; Population growth; Inequality between regions; Eradication/Prevention of Corruption; and the development of village potential.
The theme of RKPD Mahakam Ulu Regency in 2023 is "Improving the quality of human resources to support economic growth based on local wisdom". Development priorities arranged include increasing the competitiveness of human resources; Increased resilience of water resources, energy and carrying capacity of the environment; Increasing agricultural and plantation resources so as to encourage increased production of agricultural and plantation products; Increasing the people's economic business; Increasing connectivity and basic infrastructure services; Increasing governance and capacity of local governments.
Furthermore, in his presentation, Mrs. Rina Juliaty (Head of P2EPD Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province) conveyed about several matters related to themes, priorities, targets and direction of the regional development policy at the provincial level (in the Ranwal RKPD Prov.Kaltim in 2023) Ulu.
he also said that the policy direction of Mahakam Ulu Regency in 2023 needs to be directed at the focus of poverty alleviation, decreased unemployment, minimizing income inequality, providing basic infrastructure and maintaining environmental quality.
Mrs. Rina also reminded that Mahakam Ulu Regency still faces a number of problems including the high poverty rate of around 11.90% in 2021; The still low infrastructure support in encouraging community economic activities; The still weak competitiveness of HR indicated by the lowest HDI number in East Kalimantan is 67.95.
#baped mutiled
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#Planning for Development ofMahulu2023