
Monday, 03 April 2023



1090 times seen

Musrenbang RKPD Paser Regency in 2024

Samarinda, (30/03/2023). East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Secretary represents Plt. Head of Bappeda Mr. Saur Parsaoran. T, S.Pi, Memd attended the RKPD Musrenbang in 2024 Paser Regency as a resource person online.


The meeting of these stakeholders was opened by the Regent of Paser Mr. Dr. Fahmi Fadli and was attended by Regional Apparatus scope of Paser, Camat, DPRD, FRKD, and stakeholders in the Sandurengas Hotel Ballroom.


The theme of the Paser Regency RKPD Musrebang in 2024 is "equitable development to create equitable welfare throughout Paser Regency,"


On this occasion Mr. Saur explained in terms of macroeconomic conditions in 2022 Paser Regency had an economic contribution of 8.27% to the economy of East Kalimantan, with high dependence on the mining and excavation sectors.


Regional Government needs to encourage the creation of a sustainable and sustainable new economic resources. According to Mr. Saur, economic transformation towards the Green Economy and Blue Economy can be part of the formulation of future policies.


At the end of his presentation he emphasized the involvement of various parties is very important, given the clear cooperation and division of authority is one of the keys to complex completion and complex development issues. And this meeting is a coordination forum that must be optimized to agree on problems, development priorities, policy strategies and directions, agreements on program plans, activities and sub -activities, along with indicators and performance targets and their alignment with efforts to achieve goals and objectives in 2024.


#Planning for the Development ofKaltim2023

#Musrenbangkatab Regency Paser

#rkpdkab regencypaser2024