Musrenbang RKPD Bontang City in 2024
Bontang, (03/21/2023). Plt. Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Yusliando became a guest speaker in the Development Planning Planning (Musrenbang) Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) in 2024 Bontang City held at the Bontang Mayor's Office Hall.
In his presentation, it was stated that in a review of macroeconomic conditions, Bontang City had an important role for the economy of East Kalimantan Province with economic contributions in 2022 of 6.85%.
In addition it was stated that the RKPD Musrenbang in 2024 Bontang City was a coordination room that must be optimized by regional development stakeholders to agree on problems, development priorities, strategies and policy directions that were formulated (to resolve problems), agreements on program plans, activities and sub-activities, along with indicators and performance and performance targets with efforts to achieve objectives. target in 2024.
Furthermore, synergy is needed with all parties to be able to solve various problems in the development process.
"The involvement of various parties (including non-elements of government) needs to be realized with a clear cooperation and division of authority, to be one of the keys to completion of complex development and development issues," explained Plt. Head of Bappeda Kaltim conveyed before the Mayor of Bontang along with all elements of related regional apparatuses and development partners present at the Musrenbang.
#Planning for the Development ofKaltim2023