Berau Regency RPJMD Musrenbang in 2021-2026
Monday, July 26, 2021.
In accordance with Permendagri 86 in 2017, the RPJMD is a regional planning document for the 5 (five) year period from being inaugurated until the end of the term of office of the regional head.
RPJMD is a guideline in the preparation of regional apparatus planning, therefore all regional apparatus in the Berau Regency Regional Government is obliged to prepare a strategic plan (Strategic Plan) containing
vision, mission, objectives, strategies, policies, programs, main activities, and superior development in accordance with their duties and functions and become guidelines in preparing regional apparatus renja every year, based on RPJMD
To guarantee the consistency and continuity of the program, activities along with funding and determined by Berau Regent.
The good quality of the RPJMD document also needs to be supported by its derivatives, namely the Regional Apparatus Renstra document. Therefore, synergy between Baplitbang and all regional apparatuses is needed to ensure that the planning concept that has been prepared and set forth in the RPJMD document, can be translated well into the Renstra Document as a reference for the preparation of programs/activities/activities in each regional apparatus. < /P>