
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Musrenbangnas RKP 2017 is Trilateral Meeting & Money Follow

Musrenbangnas 2016. National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of Development Planning Agency National Republic of Indonesia, Sofyan Djalil asserted, the 2016 Musrenbangnas in the context of the preparation of the 2017 Government Work Plan with the theme "spurring infrastructure and economic development to increase employment opportunities and reduce poverty and gaps Between regions "trilateral meeting, where between ministries/institutions meet with SKPD regional work units) to coordinate in the framework of the preparation of the 2017 Government Work Plan can synergize between national development planning and regional development plans.

Bappenas has the authority as an integrated system for non-operational programs. In addition, Bappenas also acted as Central which coordinated between ministries/institutions and between the center and the region.

The government began to carry out the 2017 Government Work Plan through the 2016 National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas) by continuing to continue the budget efficiency , and will prioritize the allocation of priority programs so that the activities carried out have a significant impact on the achievement of development targets.

there are still many programs or activities that have not yet been carried out in depth of various sources of funding such as from ministries/institutions, subsidies, grants , Special Allocation Funds, Village Funds, and BUMN Financing and there are still many infrastructure programs that have not been discussed in detail for the project readiness. Said Sofyan Djalil.

further the Minister of PPN said that "Many projects are not ready for land and design, while for foreign loans we have already Pay a fee commitment, so we pull it again. Besides being trilateral meeting, the 2017 RKP Musrenbangnas also uses a national development approach from the Money Follow Function to the Money Follow Program. The Money Follow Program approach is what the program must be clear, the focus is where and avoid the duplication of development programs. Each province, district and city should have a different development focus in accordance with their respective RPJMD.

While the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo revealed when closing the 2016 Musrenbangnas at the Jakarta Palace, 11/5/2016 That the change in the national development approach from the Money Follow Function to the Money Follow Program is also expected to produce maximum development results and the benefits are more felt by the community. In addition, the Holistic-Temathetic, Integrated and Spatial Development Planning Approach will further strengthen the coordination of multi ministries and local governments to achieve national priority goals.

"Now the approach of the development program has changed to a money follow program so that the program must be clear, where is the focus. Each province, district and city should have a different development focus. The governor helps to make development more focused through control and checking, if necessary every day. So now the direction of enlargement of capital expenditure and focusing clear development, "said the president who is better known as Jokowi's call.

related to the direction of development focus, President Joko Widodo said that the region needs to build branding of their respective regional development. He gave an example of a successful city in the United States because it focused on the development and use of land for golf. Every day hundreds of private jet aircraft stop by there and contribute significant state income. In Indonesia, the president gives an example of the potential of Palembang City for branding as a sports city, or Ambon and Bitung cities that can become a maritime city.

"Increasingly, super focused cities will win competition and competition. With more focus, development will be more efficient. For example, if you want to build a maritime city, concentrate on budget on infrastructure support, building ports, fish warehouses and so on that are connected with this focus. As in the current government, I ask for an infrastructure focus, if it can be completed for three years. In order to stay focused, his orders from the highest. If in the province there is a governor, in the district there is a regent, "stressed President Joko Widodo.

On that occasion, President Joko Widodo advised regional leaders to support development by carrying out deregulation to speed up investment; develop a control system to accelerate licensing (e-government); pay attention to aspects of justice in the development of financial resources between provinces and districts and between districts; reduce operational budgets and increase capital expenditure; and more focused on priority programs. (Source: Various Media & SKR).