
Tuesday, 01 August 2023



569 kali dilihat

Resource Person in RUED Public Discussion

Balikpapan, (01/08/2023) Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Division, Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo became a resource person in the discussion of the General Regional Energy Plan (RUED) in achieving energy transition carried out at Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan.


In his presentation, Mr. Wahyu Gatut delivered material regarding the implications of Presidential Decree 11/2023 for increasing regional authority in developing renewable energy to support regions in achieving regional development planning targets in the energy sector. Strengthening provincial regional authority is very important considering that Government Affairs in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector, especially in the sub-affairs of New and Renewable Energy, are still relatively limited. Therefore, the implementation of this Presidential Decree by regional governments can provide more optimal support and can have a positive impact both regionally and National.


The event was attended by elements of the National Energy Council, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, elements of the Ministry of Home Affairs, elements of the ESDM Service of South Kalimantan Province, elements of GIZ JET – GIZ Indonesia, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) and Regional Apparatus in East Kalimantan Province.



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