
Monday, 16 October 2023



559 times seen

Resource persons in Samarinda Geospatial Technical Socialization activities

Samarinda, (10/16/2023). East Kalimantan Province Bappeda through the Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development, Mr. Rahmat Hidayat became a resource person in the Samarinda City Geospatial Data Technical Guidance activities held by the Samarinda City Bappedalitbang. This technical guidance was held for two days on October 16-17 2023 at the Grand Ballroom Crystal 3, Mercure Hotel Samarinda.

This technical guidance is based on Permendagri 86/2017 Article 10 paragraph 3 where the spatial approach is carried out by considering the spatial dimension in planning. Therefore, to encourage the provision of quality data and geospatial information, it is necessary to increase the capacity of data producers as reference materials in development planning, implementing, and also evaluating the implementation of development.

The efforts of the city government to provide geospatial data information services have been carried out by launching the website. However, the obstacles found are the incomplete geospatial data inputted into the website. Therefore, this technical guidance is carried out to equalize perceptions in the provision of data and encourage the availability of spatial data scattered in the regional apparatus into the portal provided by the city government.

With the convening of this technical guidance, it is expected to increase the capacity of data producers in producing quality geospatial information in accordance with data standards.




#Socialization of the Teasternamamamamarinda 2023

#planning controlling and evaluating evaluations of regional buildings