Monday, 04 September 2023
Resource person kick off meeting preparation of the initial draft of the Samarinda City RPJPD in 2025 - 2045
Samarinda, (4/9/2023). Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, through the Head of the Regional Development Control and Evaluation Planning Division, Mr. Alfino Rinaldi Arief, was the resource person at the Kick Off Meeting for Preparation of the Preliminary Draft Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) for the City of Samarinda for 2025-2045 which was held at the Mercure Samarinda Hotel.< /p>
During the event, he delivered a presentation regarding the Concept of the Long Term Development Plan for East Kalimantan Province for 2025-2045.
“There are 4 stages which will need to be accommodated in the RPJPD (Samarinda City) so that it can accommodate the next 20 years so that the development direction in the RPJPD document is not too rigid or too "said the Head of PPEPD Bappeda Provincial Province. East Kalimantan.
In the 2025-2045 East Kalimantan RPJPD, there are several stages in realizing the vision of the East Kalimantan RPJPD to "Create an increasingly advanced, prosperous and just East Kalimantan based on a sustainable economy Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045”. In stage 1 (2025-2029), development will focus on strengthening the foundation for sustainable economic transformation as an Economic Superhub and IKN Partner. Furthermore, in Phase 2 (2030-2034), it will focus on strengthening regional competitiveness in implementing sustainable economic transformation and its role as an IKN Partner.
It was further stated that in Phase 3 (2035-2039) there will be strengthening of the role of East Kalimantan as the center of sustainable economic activity in Indonesia, and in Phase 4 (2040 -2045) will focus on strengthening equitable development and economic inclusiveness towards an advanced, prosperous and just society.
For your information, the Kick Off Meeting for Preparation of the Preliminary Draft of the Samarinda City RPJPD for 2025-2045 was opened by the Mayor of Samarinda, Mr. Andi Harun and attended by around 111 participants who consisting of elements from Forkopimda, Vertical Agencies, Samarinda City DPRD, Mayor's Team to Accelerate Samarinda City Development, BAPPEDA Kalimantan Province East, BAPPEDA Kab. Kutai Kartanegara, academics/practitioners, companies, institutions, religious forums, youth and children's forums, the banking world and regional officials in the Samarinda City Government environment aim to carry out orientation and equalization of perceptions and perspectives, as well as obtain input and suggestions in preparing the Initial Draft document Samarinda City Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) 2025-2045.
Through this activity, the Mayor of Samarinda hopes that the Samarinda City Bappedalitbang, as the compiler of the 2025-2045 Samarinda City RPJPD, can link strategic issues into the Samarinda City development planning documents .