
Monday, 31 July 2023



798 kali dilihat

Resource Person for Orientation in the Preparation of the Regency RPJPD Ranwal. West Kutai 2025-2045

Samarinda, (31/07/2023). Bappeda East Kalimantan Province through the Head of the Regional Development Planning Control and Evaluation Division, Mr. Alfino Rinaldi Arief, was a resource person in the Orientation for the Preparation of the Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) for West Kutai Regency (Kubar) 2025-2045 which was carried out online and offline from the Bappedalitbang Office West Kutai.


In his presentation, Mr Alfino conveyed the concept of the Provincial Long Term Development Plan East Kalimantan 2025-2045, where in accordance with the mandate of the law relating to simultaneous post-conflict regional elections, planning documents will be prepared according to the same periodization, both at the National, Provincial and Regency/City levels throughout Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to synergize the concept of Long, Medium and Annual Development Plans between East Kalimantan Province and all regencies/cities in the next 20 years.


Furthermore, the conclusions of the evaluation results of the East Kalimantan RPJPD 2025-2045 were presented and recommendations from the Evaluator Team from Mulawarman University, formulation of strategic development issues, direction of East Kalimantan regional policy, as well as the Vision and Mission of the 2025-2045 East Kalimantan RPJPD which is expected to be an input in the synergy in preparing West Kutai Regency RPJPD.


The event was opened directly by the Regional Secretary of West Java, Mr. Ayonius and was attended by around 60 participants were present on site and 63 participants were present online consisting of stakeholders from the Kubar Regency Government, the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda, and the Expert Team for Preparing the Regency RPJPD Ranwal. West Kutai 2025-2045 from Gadjah Mada University (UGM).




