
Monday, 05 June 2023



942 times seen

Resource person at the East Kalimantan Provincial Pokja Pokja Coordination Meeting

Samarinda, (05/06/2023). Head of the Infrastructure and Region of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Baihaqi Hazami became a guest speaker at the Housing Working Group Coordination Meeting (Pokja) and Settlement Areas (PKP) of East Kalimantan Province which was held at the Mercure Hotel Samarinda.


In a meeting attended by the PKP PKP Pokja Element and the PKP Working Group and the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Working Group, it was conveyed that this coordination meeting was a follow-up to the results of the meeting of the discussion of the PKP and AMPL Working Group which was held on March 24, 2023 in the Head Room of the Head of DPUPR & PERA Prov. East Kalimantan and to carry out the mandate of the Minister of PUPR Regulation No. 12 of 2020 Article 40 that in the case of a local government that already has a PKP Working Group and Working Group AMPL to combine the PKP Working Group.


further conveyed, related to the draft decree which in the process of preparation, in the coordination meeting is expected to be able to make a variety of PKP Working Group management structures by several provinces in Indonesia as reference material.


In addition, in terms of his work program, he hopes to be able to make the development planning cycle as a concern and reference.


"For the work program, I hope the development planning cycle can be a concern so that the Pokja discussion material can be used as a reference in the process of developing development policies in East Kalimantan", said the Head of Infrastructure and Bappeda East Kalimantan Bappeda and the Chairman of the PKP PKP PKP Provincial Working Group.


#infrastructure and fell on 2023
