Resource person for climate change funding plan in East Kalimantan
Wednesday, July 14 2021. The Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, was present as a resource person and delivered a presentation regarding the Climate Change Funding Plan in East Kalimantan.
The commitment to green development has been carried out since 2010 by carrying out the Green Kaltim Declaration which resulted in a Low Carbon Growth Strategy (LCGS) Document. Efforts will continue until 2020 until the FCPF ERPA (Emission Reduction Payment Agreement) is signed.
As a form of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government's commitment, efforts to mainstream green development are contained in the East Kalimantan Vision 2023 "Daring for a Sovereign East Kalimantan", especially in mission 4 (Environment), namely Sovereignty in Natural Resources Management Sustainable.
A manifestation of the consistency of the Provincial Government's commitment to mainstreaming green development activities is to include it in the Provincial RPJMD. And City District.
There are 11 models developed by parties in Prov. East Kalimantan in mainstreaming green development, one of which is reducing carbon emissions through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) scheme.
Apart from that, the results of identification in the regional strategic planning in districts/cities show that there are 97 programs and 187 FCPF emission reduction activities in 8 districts/cities. Furthermore, there are 12 Development Partners who contribute to reducing FCPF emissions in the City District.