
Monday, 25 April 2022



779 times seen

Optimization of the Regional Government of Prov. Kaltim in the management of the Kariangau crossing port

Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM accompanied by Head of Subdivision of Infrastructure and Transportation of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Dedy Pudja Wardana, S.T attended a coordination meeting related to the management of the Kariangau crossing port which was held in the Governor's 2 office meeting room, Monday (04/25/2022).


The meeting that was carried out by the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary, Mrs. Sri Wahyuni ​​and attended by the regional apparatus in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government aims to optimize the role of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in the management of the Kariangau crossing port to increase the Regional Revenue Potential (PAD) of the East Kalimantan Province from the Transportation Sector.


In the meeting, the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Transportation Agency expects suggestions, input, and responses from the regional apparatus in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government related to efforts to increase PAD from the optimization.


Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda provides responses related to the optimization efforts that will be carried out by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Provincial Transportation Office.


"Legal aspects become a very important point to be identified on existing legal basis and prepare for legal aspects in the effort to optimize the role of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in the management of the Kariangau crossing port to increase the Regional Revenue Potential (PAD)


To note, some of the legal basis that underlies the optimization effort is RI Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, Law 17/2018 concerning Shipping, and Law 28/2009 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Levies.


At the end of the coordination meeting, the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary conveyed that it greatly appreciated efforts to optimize the increase in PAD, but it was necessary to re-identify, according to the procedure, and meet the elements of good legality.


To discuss further, a more in-depth and detailed meeting will be held along with regional apparatus and related stakeholders in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.


#baped mutiled



#Optimization of Padkaltim