
Monday, 06 November 2023



958 times seen

Talenta Management Training "Building a Great Team through Good Talent Management"

Samarinda (06/11/2023), the Secretariat of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Secretariat actively participated in the Talenta Management Training organized by the East Kalimantan Regional Personnel Agency (BKD). The event lasted for two days, from 6 to 7 November 2023.

This training program was officially opened by Mr. Sudarwanto, Head of Development of the State Civil Apparatus from BKD East Kalimantan.
As a representative of East Kalimantan Bappeda, this training was attended by Ms. Misbahul Jannah, S. Sos, Level 1 Regulator, Staffing Administration and Ms. Retno Sulistiyo, S. Sos. Level 1 Regulator, Staffing Administration

In this training, Mr. Arif Zulkarnain and Ms. Vanda Rossdiana from People Development Consulting became the main speaker, providing useful insights related to talent management. The purpose of this training is to fulfill talent management indicators in accordance with the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform Regulation (PermenpanRB) No.3/2020 concerning Management of State Civil Apparatus Talents (ASN).

Talent management is a system that allows ASN to manage themselves, both as individuals and as leaders responsible for their teams. It is intended that each ASN can become a talented (talented) individual with competencies that support their performance improvement, while making a positive contribution to the organization.

As for some of the expected outputs from this training, among others:

1. In -depth knowledge of regulations governing the talent management system in the scope of ASN based on PermenpanRB No.3/2020 concerning ASN Talent Management.
2. The ability to manage subordinate performance, change behavior that is considered not supporting performance to support, and manage motivation.
3. Understanding of 9 talent management boxes in PermenpanRB.

Indicators of success for ASN leaders in managing talented management including:

1. Able to mapping team members who have potential (talented) and who do not have potential.
2. Understand the strategies and actions needed to manage them effectively.
3. Able to maintain and motivate team members to continue to contribute optimally.

Training participants are expected to be able to apply the knowledge and skills gained during this event to improve talent management in their ASN scope, and encourage organizational growth and progress.


#baped mutilaltim2023