Discussion of the Draft Memorandum of Agreement between the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia
Monday, 03/14/2022, Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan attended the meeting agenda to discuss the Draft Memorandum of Agreement between the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Library Cooperation, Increasing the Reading Movement and the Literacy Movement for Welfare. The agenda was carried out online (Zoom Meeting) and led by Plt. Assistant for Government and People's Welfare Provincial Secretariat. East Kalimantan.
In the Draft Memorandum of Agreement, it is stated that Muhammad Syarif Bando as Head of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia is the First Party. Meanwhile, Isran Noor as Governor of East Kalimantan was mentioned as the Second Party.
As for the outline of the Draft Memorandum of Agreement:
- The purpose of the Draft Memorandum of Agreement is to synergize the resources of the parties in the context of developing the library sector and as a basis for carrying out cooperation;
- The location of the synergy in the Memorandum of Agreement is the DKI Jakarta area and Prov. East Kalimantan;
- The object referred to in this Memorandum of Agreement is cooperation between libraries and librarians. Covers the authority of the parties (development of library materials and information services; development of library resources; development of human resources and technology in the library sector; and other activities agreed upon by the parties);
- Description of the duties and responsibilities of the First Party and the Second Party;
- The parties agree on technical operational implementation including the duties and responsibilities of the parties;
- The term of the Memorandum of Agreement is valid for 3 (three) years;
- Funding is borne by the parties' budgets and other legal funding sources based on applicable laws and regulations;
- If a dispute arises as a result of the Memorandum of Agreement, the dispute will be resolved by means of deliberation and consensus;
- If force majeure occurs or things that are not/have not been regulated in the Memorandum of Agreement, a discussion will be held by the parties and will be stated in a separate agreement (Addendum) but not separate from this Memorandum of Agreement;
- The parties can agree to change several provisions in this Memorandum of Understanding and the results of the agreement are stated in the Amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement (Addendum) and are only made based on the mutual agreement of the Parties;
- The Memorandum of Understanding can expire if the validity period has expired and the parties do not extend the term; and there are statutory provisions and/or government policies that do not allow this collaboration to take place;
- Determine the addresses and contacts required for cooperation;
- Evaluation is carried out periodically every 1 (one) year by the parties;
- And other provisions.
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