
Thursday, 20 July 2023



740 times seen

Discussion of Pergub Draft Regarding the Acceleration of Malaria Elimination

Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan was represented by Staff for Government and Human Development Subbid. The welfare of the people attended the Coordination Meeting on the discussion of the Pergub Draft regarding the acceleration of the elimination of malaria at the Lt. Tepian Meeting Room. 2 East Kalimantan Governor's Office.


This meeting was opened by the Head of the Provincial Health Office. Kaltim dr. Masjaya and attended by related regional apparatuses included the Health Office, Legal Bureau, Welfare Bureau, AWS Regional Hospital, DLH Manpower Office, UPTD Labkes and Faculty of Unmul Kesmas.


malaria as one of the infectious diseases that is still a public health problem has an impact on the decline in the quality of human resources, for this, it is necessary to form a regulation and a working group team for efforts to accelerate the elimination of malaria.


malaria elimination is carried out thoroughly and integrated by the government, local government, together with development partners including NGOs, business world, donor agencies, professional organizations, social organizations, and people


malaria elimination is carried out in stages in the district/city area according to stages based on malaria situations and available resource conditions.


The most important thing in malaria elimination activities is the control of risk factors for risk factors that affect malaria transmission are malaria vectors and the environment in which the misses and the habits of the community that enable the transmission of malaria.


In this meeting discusses phrases and editorial words per article in the draft Governor's Regulation and the order of applicable laws and regulations.


for the district/city region of the Malaria elimination in 2022 is Samarinda City, Balikpapan City, Bontang City, Kab. Kukar and Kab. Mahulu.


For the Malaria Bappeda Elimination Team as a team member who has the task of coordinating the preparation of the Work Plan and Regional Apparatus Budget, including in terms of maintaining malaria elimination.


#government and human development
