
Monday, 23 January 2023



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Discussion of the Substance of the RPD Draft Prov. East Kalimantan 2024 - 2026

Samarinda, (01/19/2023). Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan conducted a meeting to discuss the substance of the RPD Prov. East Kalimantan in 2024-2026 took place in the meeting room of Ruhui Rahayu first floor of the East Kalimantan Governor's Office.


This meeting was chaired by the Regional Secretary of Mrs. Sri Wahyuni ​​accompanied by Plt. Head of Bappeda Mr. Yusliando and Assistant II Mr. Ujang Rahmadi, and attended by all levels of the Assistant of the Regional Secretariat of Prov. Kaltim, Head of Regional Apparatus, DPRD Secretary, Director of RSUD and RSJD.


On this occasion Mr. Yusliando said the RPD document had been prepared up to Chapter V and had determined the goals and objectives and this meeting was intended to agree on the target and major project indicators.


In line with the Regional Secretary of Mrs. Sriwahyuni ​​also delivered this discussion we will focus on one by one, because it will become the Bappeda foundation to compile the next RPD stage.


there are several inputs in the objective indicators and estimates of the targets of the four objectives and eleven targets that have been delivered in the design of the RPD Document 2024-2026.


in the data changed in this RPD design will be submitted in writing by the regional apparatus to Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan on January 24, 2023, then on January 25, 2023 Bappeda will hold a discussion per RPD destination in order to facilitate coordination.


On this occasion Ms. Sri Wahyuni ​​also reminded that all regional apparatuses have been prepared the Regional Renstra Draft document in 2024-2026.


"It is expected that all regional apparatuses will prepare the Cascading Renstra, not waiting for this RPD to be set". strictly.


Preparation of the Regional Renstra Draft Document in 2024-2026 can pay attention to several things including

initial formulation of regional development goals and objectives contained in the RPD in 2024-2026; Evaluation of the results of the achievement of regional apparatus planning through evaluating the achievements of the regional apparatus until 2022; Strategic LSUs related to the fields of affairs as well as the main tasks and functions of the regional apparatus; Alignment of national development plan documents; National policy; Applicable regulations; and suggestions and/or input from regional development stakeholders


#Planning for the Development ofKaltim2023


#Document Design Prestrakaltim2024SD2026