Handling weeds in the Mahakam River
<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < Strong style = "box-sizing: border-box;"> Samarinda, (12/18/2020). In the context of handling the buildup of weed plants in the Mahakam River or commonly called Napung by residents, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan held a coordination meeting to handle this.
delivered By Acting Head of the Regional Infrastructure Division Ibnu Abbas, S. Sos, M.Si, a buildup of weeds that is increasingly feared is feared to flow the Mahakam river and transportation flow, because the buildup of weeds drifted away from the upstream river area.
contained 3 Point of Weed Stacking, including located in Jantur, Rempanga, and Sengkotek (under the Mahulu Bridge), weed rates from Jantur Village to the Mahulu Bridge for more or less for 10 days, and which are urgent to be handled in Sengkotek (under the Mahulu Bridge).
bws Kalimantan III has coordinated with Sengkotek Village Chief and made a field visit, it is estimated that the volume of weeds to be transported approximately 1,000m3. So it is planned to clean/conquer weeds and accommodate weeds in the disposal temporarily for further transportation to the final disposal.
however There are obstacles for the weeding due to the access road for heavy equipment for the removal of weeds blocked by buildings in the form of kiosks (existing conditions in the form of small markets).