
Friday, 14 January 2022



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Submission of the results of the study of land cover and identification of the potential of HHBK and Biofarma in the customary forest of Hemaq Baniung in the Damai KPHP

Wednesday, 12/01/2022. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, represented by the Economic and Natural Resources Sector (Kasubbid SDA LH, Agus Taswanto, ST) virtually attended the activity "Submission of results of land cover studies and identification of NTFPs and Biofarma potential in the Hemaq Baniung customary forest at KPHP Damai".< /p>

This meeting is intended to conduct focused discussions on potential as well as respond to proposed plans for developing bottled drinking water through the use of springs in the Hemaq Beniung Customary Forest area.

KPHP Damai has asked GGGI to carry out a land cover analysis in the Hemaq Beniung Traditional Forest area and pay attention to the results of the Land Cover Study and Identification of Potential Timber Forest Products and Biopharmaceuticals in the Hemaq Beniung Traditional Forest.

The Hemaq Beniung Traditional Forest has an area of ​​48.85 Ha and is located in Juaq Asa Village, Barong Tongkok District, West Kutai Regency. The Hemaq Beniung Customary Forest was established based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry regarding the Determination of the Listing of the Hemaq Beniung Customary Forest to the Juaq Asa Village Indigenous Community with number SK.4618/MENLHK-PSKL/PKTHA/ PSL.1/9/2017 on September 5 2017.

Based on the results of a study on the opportunities of the Hemaq Beniung Customary Forest as a source of clean water for bottled drinking water (AMDK), this location has potential with quite large amounts of water discharge. However, in terms of water quality, based on standard water quality parameters, many parameters are still not in accordance with the standards.

With regard to the identification and inventory of medicinal plants in the Hemaq Beniung Traditional Forest, from the results of the in-depth investigation it was discovered that 71 types of plants belong to 69 genera and 45 families which are used by the Tunjung Dayak Ethnic community in Juaq Asa Village. The most widely used plant types come from the Lamiaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae families.



#environmentaleconomicsof East Kalimantan




