
Sunday, 28 November 2021



993 times seen

Preparation of financial statements for the second semester of 2021

Friday, November 26, 2021. Directorate General of Regional Administration Development, the Ministry of Home Affairs organized the "Consolidation of the Compilation of Financial Statements for Deconcentration Funds for the Second Semester of 2021" which was carried out online and light in Yogyakarta. The event was attended by representatives of local governments throughout Indonesia.

conveyed related to a number of issues, strategies, and important points that need to be observed in improving the quality of the preparation of financial statements in 2021.

Bappeda Representative of East Kalimantan Province was virtual and listened to the explanation delivered at the event.

some important points that have been summarized in relation to improving the quality of financial statements in the region is to ensure the balance of the initial balance of the year is the same as the year-end balance balance; Control of asset inventory is mainly directed at digitalization; Following up on LHP findings; and maximizing the role of APIP.

#Ministry of Home Affairs

#baped mutiled

#evaluation of the controlling of Kaltim

#report and concentration