
Monday, 17 April 2023



1034 times seen

Stunting Task Force Meeting with Policy Stakeholders and Coordination Meeting of the Prov. East Kalimantan 2023

Samarinda, (04/13/2023). Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Yusliando was a guest speaker at the Stunting Task Force meeting with the East Kalimantan Provincial Policy Stakeholders in 2023 held at the Samarinda Mercure Hotel by the Population, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection Office (DKP3A) of East Kalimantan Province and the East Kalimantan BKKBN Representative.


In his presentation, he said that one of the related problems has not been achieved the target of decreasing stunting is that the central coordination has not been effective, the provincial and district/city stunting decrease in the central coordination team, so it is necessary to coordinate and synergize better.


further conveyed, efforts to reduce stunting are one of the development priorities in the Province of East Kalimantan through increasing the degree of public health by optimizing hospital services and other facilities.


In addition, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda as the coordinator of coordination and convergence in terms of decreased stunting together with other related regional apparatuses will coordinate and ensure planning and implementation of stunting prevention policies in the provinces and districts/cities in areas that refer to 5 (five) pillars of national strategies and priority activities in the national action plan for the decline in stunting.



#government and human development 2023


#task force